My greatest career-joy has always been befriending authentic, soulful, wise coconspirators with the mission of upleveling love and spiritual understanding in this wacky space and time, so I regularly host them as Joy School Spotlight guests. (To receive your free invitation to join us for the next one, see sign-up box below.)
Joy School Spotlight is your opportunity to be in the Zoom room with Joy School’s phenomenal guest wisdom-keepers. You’ll not only learn their secrets for joyful living, but you’ll receive spot-coaching and personalization through the unique format of these workshops that ensures you successfully integrate the knowledge into your own one precious life!
We’ve made them complimentary events for everyone, so share the info with anyone who could use a bit more joy! You’ll receive your invitation to our next zero-cost Spotlight event by registering at the box below.
The Joy School way has always meant applying the most potent spiritual wisdom, psychological nuggets, and proven strategies for joy TO YOUR OWN LIFE. Learning, listening, thinking about these principles is a fine start, but it’s always in the application that the magic happens! That’s why a generous portion of these Joy School Spotlight events is dedicated to integration. You’ll be invited to participate to whatever extent you’d like, but even if you choose to be a wallflower and just witness the spot-coaching of other participants, you’ll reap the benefit of seeing how the insights and teachings can be applied. This is the magic that shifts your energy that has the potential to dramatically rewire your default patterns of thought and behavior. I can’t wait for you to experience it.