These are strange days we're living in. And they offer us profound opportunities for genuine joy!
In the collective, and perhaps in your personal world as well, things are coming to a head. Have you noticed?
Maybe the anxiety has seeped into your experience of your own one precious life. That's certainly the case for many of us.
Let’s change the narrative together. Let’s alchemize all the chaos into opportunity! I can't wait to guide you in making 2025 the most easeful, joyful, meaningful year of your life.
Thrive in '25 is a live-online, 3-month program for those who are ready to apply some powerful principles to creating a blissful new day-to-day existence for themselves.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - Lao Tzu
Your transformational journey will include 12 live, small-group, online sessions with me over three months, plus additional opportunities to gather online for live guest-teacher sessions and other offerings for invigorating and expanding the amount of joy and vibrancy you allow into your life!
You’ll meet like-minded friends and learn the time-tested principles and lifechanging skills I’ve taught in my proven-effective joy trainings for decades.
I’ll help you zero in on the specific, unique-to-you obstacles that are standing between you and the bliss you’re here to experience, and I’ll prescribe a program of simple, wildly effective practices that you can begin implementing right away.
You’ll learn techniques -- backed by scientific findings -- for changing your longstanding default patterns of negative thought and reactivity, and have ongoing opportunities to practice, learn, and grow in online group sessions with a loving community of like-hearted joy creators.
If you find yourself feeling dissatisfied with life right now, please know you’re far from alone in that.
When you were very young, you learned some strategies for coping with challenging situations. These programs were installed in you before you had the emotional maturity and self-understanding you have now. But because these programs were embedded in you when you were still forming the framework of beliefs from which you’d go on to create your life, they became your default setting for how you operate and show up in the world. It happens for all of us, and we all run these same subconscious programs again and again throughout our journey. They become "the water we swim in."
The programs are not our enemy; throughout our lives they’ve helped to stabilize and protect us. Our tender human systems do need regulation, and they’ve provided that service, so we can be grateful for that. In most cases, however, these subconscious programs that create our natural-seeming reactivity to the stimulus around us are NOT serving our joy and our highest expression of who we came here to be.
They are the obstacles preventing us from having what we want, and preventing us from living the highly conscious, self-aware, self-actualized lives we’re designed for. They’re just programs on repeat, so they’re going to continue to create the same or similar results, and many of us are now waking up to the desire for creating different, improved results. To do that, we simply need to un-install these old programs and install better ones. It’s what we’ll do together over the course of this live program.
No matter what your current circumstances, please trust that there is a reason you feel drawn to explore this powerful work. Trust that something meaningful and beautiful will come out of your bravery. (It will!) And don't forget that all the individual healing work you do ripples out to others, uplifting your family, your community, and ultimately our whole, precious, love-starved planet.
In Thrive in '25, you will:
This online program is right for you if:
Limited spots are available for this transformational 3-month program that starts the first Monday of next month!
You can read dozens of glowing testimonials here.
ADDITIONAL BONUS: While spots last, registrants will receive the gift of free tuition and meals at a live-and-in-person retreat in the Southeastern US in fall of 2025! (Limited opportunity!)
I look forward to hopping on a call with you to explore whether or not this program is the best fit for your needs at this time. You can set that up with me here. (And if you need to talk about a payment plan or scholarship, just say the word.)