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Welcome to Joy School, beautiful friend.

I’m so glad you’re here because it means you care about things like joy and making every single day as rich and sweet and beautiful as our days are meant to be. Me, too.

I’ve been blessed...

to have authored dozens of books that have generated joy for their 9 million+ readers. In my work as a Joy Trainer, I’ve been blessed to have reached thousands of gorgeous souls. And I’m blessed, right now, to welcome you to Joy School.

Whether you’ve come...

to find out about my new book, Free Your Joy, membership in Joy School, or my podcast or events, consider this your welcome mat.

Free Your Joy Book






events that transform your life

Joy School Membership

Thrive in '25 Online Program

Joy School is a unique online space where you can learn, relax, and unfold into your greatness while being seen, heard, and honored as the perfectly imperfect creature you are.

These are strange days. Our commitment to staying centered, loving, and peaceful is being challenged at every turn.

Joy School is dedicated to providing support and training for not only surviving these challenging times but transmuting them into fuel for exhilarating expansion and positive transformation.

Wherever you are, you can experience Joy School membership online from the comfort of your cozy home, or join us for live-and-in-person events in South Florida and other locations.

We’ve been through a lot, my love bugs.

Our souls are exhausted, and rightfully so. But what if it’s all been an unprecedented opportunity for us to increase our level of consciousness and capacity for joy? Are you ready to move beyond this insanity and leverage the challenges of these trying times into an emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation that allows you to look back with genuine gratitude for the shifts this chaos sparked in you?

Joy School offers the invigorating soul-cures, mind-expanding growth opportunities, happiness life-hacks, and nurturing tribe-vibe we’ve all been craving. It’s time to get excited, because your joy is just a few clicks away.

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Discover your "Joy Setpoint" (and how to raise it!)

We all have a spot of homeostasis where our joy comes to rest. We might get it bumped up here and there, and feel it dip here and there, but for the most part we'll always level off at whatever degree of happiness feels most comfortable and familiar to us. In this powerful excerpt from one of Lisa's workshops you'll discover your Joy Setpoint and learn some foundational tools for elevating it in sustainable, joy-skyrocketing ways!
Listen or Download this Powerful Excerpt today!

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“Lisa is a sparkling example of what she teaches. She excels at the art of being ‘happy for no reason.’ Ride her joyful wave to experiencing self-love, authenticity, and fulfillment.”

Marci Shimoff
New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason

“Happy people don’t just happen. They often struggle, suffer, and experience loss and defeat before finding authentic joy. With the right guidance and direction, however, they find their way out of the darkness and despair and back into the light. Then they can become a living, loving light for others who have lost their way. For millions of people across the world, Lisa McCourt is that light, and this book is that way. Weaving together personal anecdotes with insights from trusted guides and teachers, Free Your Joy provides a practical, step-by-step plan for removing any and all obstacles in your path. Pick up your personal copy of Free Your Joy, rediscover your innate wellbeing, and begin living the life you desire and deserve today!”

Robert Mack
Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, and author of Happiness From the Inside Out

“Lisa McCourt captures all the values I hold dear and expresses them in a believable, engaging, and exciting way. Honest, from the heart, and inspiring.”

Alan Cohen
Author of Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment and many other books

“Lisa McCourt is a daring and adventurous life pioneer. If you are ready and willing to follow her seven steps, I promise you will be forever (and fabulously) changed.”

Arielle Ford
Author of The Soulmate Secret and Wabi-Sabi Love, and Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate

“Lisa McCourt has developed a brilliant step-by-step system for relocating yourself as the juicy, delicious, vibrant creature you were born to be. Allow these seven steps to launch you into unprecedented heights of self-adoration.”

Regena Thomashauer
Author of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts

“A fun and practical training generously sprinkled with brushstrokes of genius. You will never view yourself—or the world—the same way again.”

Sunny Dawn Johnston
Author of Invoking the Archangels—A 9-Step Process to Healing Your Mind, Body and Soul and many other books

“We live in an age of ennui and frustrated lives. People with more powerful tools and knowledge than ever before in history somehow end up creeping along in life’s slow lane on two cylinders. Then comes Lisa McCourt. Ms. McCourt is that sunshine presence who invites us into the shadow of ourselves. With the skill of a therapist, she offers exercises which open doors into long-denied closets.”

Jacob Nordby
Author of The Divine Arsonist, Blessed are the Weird, and The Creative Cure

“Lisa is a bridge builder. Give yourself a treat and walk on across this pleasurable bridge with her! She knows where she’s taking you. It’s into a new territory where life is clearer, sweeter, more real, and much more powerful than the place where our mass culture wants us to be.”

Tej Steiner
Author of Heart Circles

“Lisa McCourt lovingly leads us on a journey to create a satisfying life, full of joy and love. Lisa gently identifies the blocks that keep us from finding our joy and shows us that by taking the small actionable steps she lays out, we can change our path.”

Daylle Deanna Schwartz
Author of Nice Girls Can Finish First and How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

“Lisa McCourt is such a generous and loving spirit, and I felt as though I connected with her on a deeper level because she revealed her own struggles, which made her very relatable . . . Extremely useful and highly impactful tips and exercises.”

Erin Cox
Author of One Hot Mama

Free Your Joy:

The 12 Keys to Sustainable Happiness

Bestselling author and creator of Joy School Lisa McCourt outlines her unique formula for sustainable happiness, offering a year's worth of activities, prompts, and techniques that raise your “joy setpoint” so you can cultivate authentic, lasting peace and fulfillment in your daily life.

Learning about joy is one thing, but it’s the doing that actually shifts your energy. McCourt offers a unique approach to joy and emotional wellness, outlining a year-long adventure in happiness that can be started on any day of the year. Joy is not an elusive fantasy to be chased; it is simply a skill to be learned, practiced, and mastered. McCourt takes readers, month by month, through the life-altering principles of vibration elevation that she has taught for 20 years through her Joy School.

Praise for Free Your Joy

"Happy people don't just happen. They often struggle, suffer, and experience loss and defeat before finding authentic joy. With the right guidance and direction, however, they find their way out of the darkness and despair and back into the light. Then they can become a living, loving light for others who have lost their way. For millions of people across the world, Lisa McCourt is that light, and this book is that way. Weaving together personal anecdotes with insights from trusted guides and teachers, Free Your Joy provides a practical, step-by-step plan for removing any and all obstacles in your path. Pick up your personal copy of Free Your Joy, rediscover your innate wellbeing, and begin living the life you desire and deserve today!"

— Robert Mack, Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, and author of Happiness From the Inside Out
“Simply brilliant. This book is a masterclass in creating the life you’ve always wanted. The true genius of it, though, is the way Lisa has distilled a lifetime of substantial spiritual teachings into 12 digestible keys. In the most approachable, playful, and practical ways imaginable, Lisa delivers on her promise to give you all the tools you need to step into a life of sustained joy and happiness. If you trust her, your life will be transformed, and how you see and interact with the world, yourself, and the people around you will be changed forever.”
— Thomas Lloyd Qualls, award-winning author of Happiness Is an Imaginary Line in the Sand
Free Your Joy has a clear message; Joy is our natural state. This book is like a complete workshop that clearly explains how to remove all the clouds that stand between you and the sun of your natural state. However, it isn’t just philosophy, the book is filled from beginning to end with exercises because, as Lisa puts it, learning Joy is a path of doing. What stands out the most is the kindness on each page, as the author is so genuine and understanding as a guide. It would be impossible not to change your energy and get closer to who you truly are after reading this.
— Chris Niebauer, author of No Self No Problem: How Neurobiology Is Catching Up to Buddhism
" . . . I never thought I would connect the dots like Lisa’s words have guided me to do. I never thought I would ever read about one’s vibration described in such a loving and integrative manner. But I’m now ready for joy to come alive for me in a new way. If you have picked this book up, then I imagine you are ready for that too."
— S.C. Lourie, The Power of Mess
“Lisa McCourt’s newest instruction manual for living a life of joy is simply incredible. It is so rich with meaningful content and actionable steps! The depth of work presented here is clearly going to change lives, mine included. Lisa’s wisdom is so heartfelt and accessible as she takes readers into a very deep dive into living what I could only imagine was God’s ultimate plan for human beings. I know it was a labor of love that must have cost her on many levels, and I’m so grateful for her dedication to elevating love and joy in the world!”
— Paul Boynton, bestselling author of Begin with Yes
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