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Are you ready to claim your JOY?

Welcome to Joy School’s loving online community.

I'm so happy you've landed here!

If you're ready to be what Neale Donald Walsch calls an "idea hero," Joy School membership is for you!

Joy School's online membership groups provide loving support in applying spiritual principles to creating a life of deep joy and meaning.

We do it through increased alignment with our soul -- the innate part of every one of us where our natural capacity for peace, bliss, and compassion for self and others is alive and vibrant and ready to spill into every aspect of our "out there" existence! 

If you're ready to bring that part of you into the forefront of your life, we warmly welcome you!

#1 NYT Bestselling author of the Conversations with God series Neale Donald Walsch and I talk about it in this short clip from a recent interview. 

We all want peace, resilience, and inner strength. We want to feel blissfully comfortable in our own skin, moving through the world with grace and ease. But how many of us are actively taking the steps to create such a life?

Welcome to a community of learning and joy practice—a refuge of ever-flowing, nourishing soul sustenance designed for anyone feeling called to create a more passionate, clear, and joyful life. Powerful online group meetings keep you effectively and consistently aligned with your most potent inner resources and staggering potential while being held in a nurturing, supportive community. Aligning with this part of you (which every one of us possesses because it comes standard with the human package) is the foundation for creating every single thing you’ve ever wanted. It’s never been easier (or more affordable) to substantially upgrade your life and your joy!

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”

– Henry David Thoreau

This is the magic of Joy School membership. This is how the most profoundly effective life-upgrade principles become solidified as your default method for creating and experiencing your existence. Joy School members discover the powerful distinction between learning a life-changing concept or modality, and mastering it—with the accountability and the loving support of a like-minded tribe.

You’ll upgrade your life in two supremely valuable ways: First, you’ll learn the art of genuine happiness (a rare skill most of us were never taught) and why it truly has little to do with your external circumstances. And, second — because having desires and bringing them to fruition is a super fun thing we humans came here to do — you’ll also learn how to get all those circumstances you’re after. 

Our human experience includes challenges, setbacks, and never-ending demands upon us. Stress and anxiety all too often rule the day. But with the mastery of some simple tools, it’s possible to escape our habituated cycles of distress and coping, replacing them with new default patterns of calm, efficient resilience and sustainable joy. You’ll raise your personal vibration and improve your emotional health by practicing simple, pleasurable techniques that only take a few minutes each day. You’ll feel more relaxed and positive, notice more balance and ease in your life, and manifest more of the things you want.

Whether you’re starting from an all-time low point, or just wanting to expand your capacity for living beautifully and meaningfully, these teachings, group sessions, and time-tested practices will quickly and consistently improve your ability to cultivate more aliveness, enthusiasm, and vitality in every area of your experience.

What’s included in Joy School’s Membership Community:
  • Live engagement and relationship-building at intimate online meetings where content is made personal for you through group coaching, discussion, and integration demonstrations.
  • Opportunities to learn from Joy School’s A-list guest teachers – like don Miguel Ruiz Jr., Denise Linn & Meadow Linn, Arielle Ford, David Ault, Sunny Dawn Johnston, Scott Stabile, Paul Boynton, SARK, Steven Farmer, Ph.D., S.C Lourie, Jacob Nordby, Chris Niebauer, Ph.D., and many others.
  • Optional “homeplay” suggestions and instructions for daily practices that transform your current default settings into constructive, beneficial new habits.
  • The opportunity to learn and master the keys in Lisa’s newest book, Free Your Joy: The 12 Keys to Sustainable Happiness -- whether you are reading the book or not! 
Who would benefit from Joy School membership:
  • Anyone looking for relief from the widespread anxiety and emotional instability brought on by the challenges of these times we're living in.
  • Those who are ready to get proactive in creating more freedom, ease, and wellbeing for themselves and those around them.
  • People who recognize the need for more joy and love in the world and are serious about doing their part to create it as well as anyone ready to invite more balance, goodness, vitality, and positive growth into their day-to-day lives.

Registration for Joy School Membership is currently open!

Membership in the Joy School community includes everything listed here for the incredibly low investment of just $75 per month. No minimum-month obligation; pay as you go! 

(Message me if you'd like to hop on a call to explore whether or not Joy School membership is right for you.)

As a member of Joy School, you will...

. . . gain skills for quickly and easily centering in peace, inner strength, and blissful calm, no matter what is happening around you.

. . . replace fear and anxiety with self-connection, reflective inquiry, and innate wisdom.

. . . gain certainty about the future and your positive role in creating a love-based existence.

. . . master effective tools to use in your daily routine, cumulatively resulting in significant shifts in the way you experience and create your life.

. . . be lovingly held in a small, conscious community of like-hearted souls who share your goals and see and accept you exactly as you are.

. . . perfect the intuitive skills required to tap into the wisest, clearest, most commanding aspect of yourself.

. . . shift your relationship with your environment and with the people around you by transforming your state of mind, gaining freedom from repetitive patterns, and turning your relationships into thriving, healthy enhancements to your life.

. . . become educated in cutting-edge principles that weave together science, metaphysics, pragmatism, and ancient wisdom.

. . . strengthen your sense of community and oneness to ease feelings of isolation and separateness.

. . . learn how to connect with your deepest inner guidance in order to significantly improve your health, finances, and the overall happiness of you and those around you.

. . . achieve balance in your life by learning how to relax into the most natural, graceful flow of your ever-unfolding experiences while developing the courage to make the changes required for your highest good and greatest joy.

More about Joy School

Joy School is:

Joy School is a loving, inclusive, diverse community of souls who are dedicated to living more authentically, joyfully, and meaningfully and who understand that it is within their power to create that.

Groups meet live online each month to learn a new modality, with weekly opportunities for additional sessions.

I lead all regular sessions, and am often joined by other aligned guest teachers for additional workshops and online experiences included with your membership.

Upon registering, you’re sent a welcome package with video tutorials explaining the fundamental principles we work with and a glossary of Joy School terms so that you’ll be all set to hop right in with us, wherever you are on your journey.

Some members are working through the year of practices outlined in my new book, Free Your Joy, and this is where they come to talk about that, but you are welcome whether or not you choose to incorporate the book; the Joy School membership experience stands on its own and you’ll get heaps of benefit either way.

Additional, optional events:

Your burgeoning joy practice is supported with additional live-and-in person, as well as online group events. While these additional events are always optional, I highly encourage you to participate, as they supercharge all the new insights you’ll be incorporating. One such current offering is an online, weekly, live group meditation.

Optional Joy School “field trips,” both online and in-person, offer even more opportunities for connection and learning. These have included live, 3-day retreats in South Florida and California, online breathwork sessions with Scott Stabile, in-person experiences of EE System technology, sound healing, full moon ceremonies, Solstice and Equinox ceremonies, live conferences with speakers such as Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, and lots more. 

Joy School Schedule:

We gather live, online, each month, for 2 joyful and impactful meetings where I (along with superstar guest teachers) guide you in the concepts, modalities, and practices that we’re exploring together that month. These regular sessions include live exercises and integration demonstrations with ample time for questions, personalization of the material, and individual spot-coaching.

This consistent genuine connection with fellow humans ensures you stay aligned with the most wise, authentic, and effective part of you. Returning to the energy of the group on a regular basis entrains members to a high-vibration frequency that plays out in ever-unfolding ways as we all spiral together into greater levels of consciousness and joy. 

While additional weekly sessions are offered beyond the 2 monthly teaching sessions, it's understood that we all have busy lives and we know you may not be able to make every offered session. Many of our Joy Schoolers are only able to make it once or twice per month, and that is more than okay! 

We've priced Joy School accordingly, and often adjust our scheduling to accommodate new members in various time zones and with varying work schedules.

To receive info on the schedules for the groups that are currently open for enrollment, send me an email and I'll get right back to you.

Personal coaching within the group experience:

Each participant has the opportunity to do powerful, ongoing personal work. How much you actively participate is always up to you, and you’ll never be pressured to do more than you’re ready to do.

That said, you may be surprised at your willingness to be vulnerable when you see the remarkable, life-changing results your fellow Joy Schoolers are generating. It’s important to note that there is a strong “shared benefits” effect that takes place. Often, participants will report that some of their biggest a-ha moments and breakthroughs occur while witnessing and holding space for another participant’s work.

Strategic daily home-play assignments:

Suggestions are made for daily exercises and practices that enhance your understanding of, and experience of, the joy training. While it’s strongly suggested you make liberal use of these practices, you’ll be given the opportunity to explore which work best for you and create your own individualized routine.

Expert guest presenters with related teachings:

Experts in the field of transformation are regularly brought in to share complimentary wisdom via Joy School Spotlight and other events. 

We've had lessons in intuition development, muscle-testing, EFT tapping, and many energy-based modalities for creating our most beautiful, meaningful lives. 

We've also had live and online intimate group interactions with spiritual superstars like Miguel Ruiz, Jr., Denise Linn, Dr. Steven Farmer, Dr. Chris Niebauer, Scott Stabile, Jacob Nordby, and many others who are frequent Joy School guest teachers. 

Designed to meet you where you are and move you forward:

Joy School is designed to ensure that each participant is given the necessary attention for his or her optimal growth experience. Whether you’ve never looked into group coaching or personal development before, or you’re a seasoned self-dev junkie, the Joy School structure allows you to create a personalized path for your next level of expansion, freedom, and self-awareness.

What They’re Saying

“I have been working with Lisa for about 6 months both privately and in the joy training groups. In such a short period of time she has gotten deep inside my protective shell and cracked it wide open. Our private sessions together are truly a wonderment. Lisa is able to get deep into me; past the intellect, deeper than the emotions. I’m not sure of the why or the how of it, but I can see it manifest in my day to day. I have always been incessantly hard on myself. Now I am finding room for compassion and forgiveness. I am able to feel pride for my accomplishments. I notice I’m beating up on myself so much less. Lisa has given me tools to take control of the negative inner voice that has never done me any good. As I learn to apply these tools, a world of infinite possibilities opens up before me. At the end of each session Lisa checks in on how I’m doing. Each and every time I’m stunned to realize how happy I am. The tension is gone, I’m joyous. giddy, unencumbered. I can’t stop smiling!”

Fabrizio Baeli

“Whether you opt for the online or in-person trainings, Lisa McCourt creates magic in your life. Get ready to be energized with positivity and make real connections with like-minded friends. The work will take you deep inside your soul, allow you to clear away the clutter, and ultimately see the world with a fresh new perspective. Lisa’s coaching incorporates the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many others. I discovered my inner bliss and feel rejuvenated. Well worth the tiny investment, and this could not have come to me at a better time!”

Shari A Hembree
Author of Journey of the Lightworker – www.shariahembree.com

Selfishly, I love the online joy training because I can’t be in Florida in person. But I would love to be there in person. Lisa, you are an amazing coach, and I am so grateful for the opportunities that you are providing, online and in person, for all of us to raise our consciousness and live a better life. Thank you!”

Gayla Foscue

“I am blessed to be a part of this experience. I got an incredible gift to look at myself, stretch a little in my ability to be vulnerable, and learn some amazing tools to grow. It was perfect timing for the things going on in my life. It was also incredible to connect with people and see myself reflected through them and dig a little deeper into my heart. I would definitely recommend to anyone considering!”

Leah Ivester

“Lisa’s joy training group provides the support and guidance I need during these uncertain, turbulent times. It’s a good reminder that I don’t need to know the outcome of future events to be OK right now. But that doesn’t mean the future is entirely out of my hands. Lisa’s insight helped me better recognize what drives me so that I can more purposely guide my life toward my hopes and dreams for tomorrow.”

Carol Killman Rosenberg
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